About Me


Hi, I Am Maria Santana

Ever since I was young, I have always wanted to become a kindergarten teacher. From ages of 7-12 I would play school with my siblings. And being the oldest out of four, of course I was the teacher. Ever since then I've followed my passion to become one. Throughout the years, I have surrounded myself with different opportunities to be an educator to young minds. By doing this I have developed many success and skills in my journey to set me up to become the best teacher I inspire to be. If interested to see how I did this keep scrolling!

  • Graduated 2022

  • National Honor Society

  • Played V-Ball 4 Years

Skills I Built to Become A Teacher

Overtime I built these skills to ensure to positive teaching and a classroom environment

  • Communication

    Being able to effectively communicate with students, colleagues, and parents is very essential 

  • Paitence

    Teaching can sometimes be challenging, so having patience with students and yourself is important 

  • Adaptability

    Remember, every student is unique, so being able to adapt your teaching style to meet their needs is crucial

  • Leadership

    Teachers take leadership roles in the classroom, so developing leadership skills will be beneficial and priority