My Experiences With Students


Teacher's Aide

Being an aide can be a rewarding experience. Some things that I love about it is being a supportive role, building relationships, making a difference, and lastly, exploring my career. 

Having the privilege to make a difference in students lives is really the best feeling. I take pride in what I do and becoming a teacher will fulfill that even more. As a future teacher I am dedicated to foster a love for learning. 


Coaching Volleyball

Being a coach requires passion, dedication, and a genuine interest in helping others. I like to believe I have those qualities. I am very passionate about volleyball and I could always rely on it. I hope I can make my players feel the same way. Some reasons why I love coaching: impacting lives, seeing personal growth in my players, teaching life skills, and of course celebrating achievements. As said before I could never take this job for granted and I would love to continue growing this program. 


After-School Tutoring

Every student has a chance to succeed and I want to make sure Im on that path with them. This is why I stay after school to help tutor students. Tutoring not also helps the students but also myself. Kids are all different meaning they learn differently so this helps me learn different learning approaches. Some things I love about tutoring is: making learning fun, boosting students confidence, and academic success. Tutoring is a rewarding experience that allows me to make a meaningful impact on students educational journey.